
Office Relocation

Friday 26 July 2024


Our Victoria Street premises have served us well for the past 20 years but thanks to our wonderful clients, we’ve outgrown them.   Effective from 2 August 2024, we'll be located at Level 3, 47 Salisbury Street.

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Budget 2024

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Our highlights of the key takeaways for you from this years budget. . . . TAX THRESHOLD CHANGES 

Changes to personal income tax rates take effect from 31 July and have some consequences.

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2024 Questionnaire Release

Tuesday 2 April 2024

Our 2024 questionnaires are now available!  Use these to help you identify the information you need to gather and provide to us. You can access and download the 2024 questionnaires by clicking here

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Minimum Wage Increases

Monday 1 April 2024

The Workplace Relations and Safety Minister has announced the adult minimum wage rises to $23. 15 per hour from today - a 2% increase from the current hourly rate of $22. 70.  

The Starting-Out and Training minimum wage rates will both increase to $18.

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Your 10-point Checklist to stay ahead on Tax

Monday 25 March 2024

The end of the financial year is almost on us.   How’s it looking for you? Know what you need to do?

To help make the information-gathering process hassle-free, we’ve put together an end of tax year checklist.

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Xero Pricing Changes

Tuesday 5 March 2024

From today, Xero have raised the price of Cashbook plans:

Non-GST Cashbook plans increase from $14 to $16 a month (ex GST)
GST Cashbook plans increase from $25 to $28 a month (ex GST)
These changes will reflect on your monthly Xero subscription invoice from April.

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Online Marketplaces, Tax and You

Monday 22 January 2024

If you rent out the family bach through Bookabach,  drive with Uber, or earn income through an online platform, you need to be aware of recent and upcoming changes. From 1 January 2024, online marketplaces must disclose information about sellers and transactions on their platforms.

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